QMailAgent Architecture Analysis and Premium Crack

Language: [en] zh_cn

Note: Only test under QMailAgent 3.1.1 . No future version guarantee.

Details and comments are in chinese version article.

Architecture Analysis

QMailAgent is a combination of Roundcube v1.1.2 , some precompiled python libraries which handles IMAP with OAUTH and POP3 protocol like offlineimap, got-you-back 0.21 and its own Roundcube plugins which implement features like multi-mailaccounts, backup & restore and interaction with QNAP FileStation.

The precompiled python libraries can be decompiled with uncompyle6.

Premium Crack

From web frontend's request _task=license&_action=get_info, we can find that it is get_info_ajax from data/web/plugins/license/license.php handles this request which is registered in $this->register_action('get_info', array($this, 'get_info_ajax'));.

We can obviously observe that obfuscated function $info = $this->rcmail->license->wbf2d66a297(); is called here and defined in file data/web/program/lib/Qmail/obfuscator/qmail_license.php. I wrote a simple script to de-obfuscate these php code.

By searching all code with keyword qmail_license.php and ->license, we can find that all premium features are called without validating license. This fact could also be verified by the front-end javascript code data/web/plugins/license/license.min.js. WHTA A LOVELY CLIENT-SIDE VALIDATION.

So you could bypass validation every time you open QMailAgent via DevTools (F12) or GreaseMonkey and etc. Moreover, you can create a bookmark in bookmark bar with content: javascript: as prefix and code below.

It is quite acceptable to use DevTools (F12) becasue of the low using rate of premium features.

QNAP integrates QMailAgent and other applications with iframe tag. The id attribution of QMailAgent iframe is ext-gen + RANDOM_NUMBER + qmail, so we can find this iframe via css query selector easily.

I make a fake license which is valid to 2099-12-31. Code below:

document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ext-gen][id$=qmail]').forEach( k => {
  k.contentWindow.rcmail.license.update({"info": {"license": [{"status": "valid", "id": "Default", "name": "Default", "info": {"valid_from": "", "valid_until": "", "apply_date": "", "enable_func": {"add_account": {"limit": -1 } }, "expired_soon": false } }, {"status": "valid", "id": "Test", "name": "Test", "info": {"valid_from": "2020-01-01", "valid_until": "2099-12-31", "apply_date": "2020-01-01", "enable_func": {"add_account":{"limit": -1 }, "backup" :{}, "restore":{}, "merge":{}, }, "expired_soon": false } } ], "merge_func": {"add_account": {"limit": -1, "valid_from": "", "valid_until": "", "apply_date": "", "expired_soon": false }, "backup" :{}, "restore":{}, "merge":{}, } }, "is_premium": true, "unlimit": -1 })
} )

If you visit QMailAgent directly via http://NAS/qmail, you could simple use:

rcmail.license.update({"info": {"license": [{"status": "valid", "id": "Default", "name": "Default", "info": {"valid_from": "", "valid_until": "", "apply_date": "", "enable_func": {"add_account": {"limit": -1 } }, "expired_soon": false } }, {"status": "valid", "id": "Test", "name": "Test", "info": {"valid_from": "2020-01-01", "valid_until": "2099-12-31", "apply_date": "2020-01-01", "enable_func": {"add_account":{"limit": -1 }, "backup" :{}, "restore":{}, "merge":{}, }, "expired_soon": false } } ], "merge_func": {"add_account": {"limit": -1, "valid_from": "", "valid_until": "", "apply_date": "", "expired_soon": false }, "backup" :{}, "restore":{}, "merge":{}, } }, "is_premium": true, "unlimit": -1 })

Furthermore, If you can SSH login to NAS, you could use QMailAgent's scripts (like /mnt/ext/opt/qmail/web/restoreworker.sh and /mnt/ext/opt/qmail/web/backupworker.sh) direcly since all premium features are called without validation.

Yet more directly, you can backup and restore via backing up database via mysqldump and backing up email folders via copy and paste. You can use mysql via command /usr/local/mariadb/bin/mysql -uroundcube -pmypassword -S /mnt/ext/opt/qmail/var/qmail_mysqld.sock.

One More Thing

I heard the news about that K-9 joined ThunderBird family. I Hope that ThunderBird could make a headless version, so that i can put it in VPS to receive mails and use local ThunderBird/K-9 client to fetch/sync data via WEB API. Anther thought is using Firefox Sync to sync all mails and mailbox configurations between clients.

Update at 2022-07-31: I found an issue in syncstorage-rs which show that thunderbird will use firefox sync in the near feature and they're considering rename firefox sync to mozilla sync. The news show that The sync feature will released with Thunderbird 114 in 2023. From the Roadmap, we can know that 1. Android client (a.k.a K9) will also support sync feature. To be honest, I think that they start considering and working on the sync feature only because they buy the K9 the android email client. 2. Not available until Q4 2022 3. mails are not synced , only email accounts and settings are synced. Well, we all know storage is expensive. Why not go for a subscription plan mode for sync feature to make some money and fire less engineers?

PS: Python script for deobfuscating PHP code. WHAT A REGEX JOKE

import re,sys,zlib

if len(sys.argv)!=2:
    print("Usage: deobfs xxx.php")

f = open(sys.argv[1],"rb")
s = f.read()

## Remove define
s = re.sub(b"define\(.*?\);",b"",s) 

## Extract gz content
res  = re.findall(rb"""(?s)\$(.*?)\[(.*?)\]\s=\sexplode\('(.*?)'\s*,\s*gzinflate\(substr\('(.*?)'\s*,(.*?)\s*,(.*?)\s*\)\)\);""" , s[: s.find(b')));') +4  ] ) 
global_obj , global_key , split_key ,  gz , start , end = res[0]
gz1 = gz[ int(start.decode(),16) : int(end.decode())]

# TODO: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php
## \r \v \e \f
gz1 = gz1.replace(rb"\'" , b"\'").replace(rb'\"' , b'\"').replace(rb'\$' , b'\$').replace(rb'\n' , b'\n').replace(rb'\t' , b'\t').replace(rb'\\' , b'\\') # beacuse php escape it

g = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress(gz1)
gl = g.split(split_key)

s1 = s[: s.find(b')));') +4  ]
s2 = re.sub(rb"""(?s)\$(.*?)\[(.*?)\]\s=\sexplode\('(.*?)'\s*,\s*gzinflate\(substr\('(.*?)'\s*,(.*?)\s*,(.*?)\s*\)\)\);""" , b"", s1 ) 
s = s.replace(s1,s2)

## Remove `$KEY = &_GLOBAL` and Replace all $KEY to $_GLOBAL
ref_args = re.findall(rb"""\$([^\)]*?)\=\&\$""" +global_obj,s )
ref_args = list(set(ref_args)) #dedupe

for ref_arg in ref_args:
    s = s.replace(b'$' + ref_arg + b"=&$" + global_obj + b'[' + global_key + b'];', b"")
    s = s.replace(b'$'+ ref_arg + b'[', b'$' + global_obj + b'[' + global_key + b'][' )

## Replace malformed arguments
res = re.findall(rb'''(\$[\W]*?)[\=|\!|,|)|\[|>|\]|\-|\:|\.|\;|\<]''',s)

rep = list(set(res))

for i ,v in enumerate(rep):
    s = s.replace(v , b"$arg"+ str(i).encode() )

## Replace dict with its item.
def replace_word(x):
    word =  gl[ int(x.group(1).decode(),16)  ]
    if word in [ b"DateTime" , b"DateTimeZone" , b"restoreworker" , b"backupworker"]:
        return word
        return b'"' + word + b'"'

s = re.sub(rb'\$' +  global_obj  + b'\['+ global_key + b'\]\[(.*?)\]' , replace_word , s )

## Output
with  open(sys.argv[1]+".dec","wb") as f:

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